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Glory to God, a breakthrough has occurred!

You’ve stuck with me…Thank you!

It’s been awhile as my last devotional was, “Today is THE day!”. Go ahead if you wish and take a moment to check out my June 2018 post. I’ll be right here.

“Writer’s Block” is a real phenomenon. Writers, at least those like myself, will be on a roll, blog after blog, poems, lyrics, whatever it may be where life is expressed by pen and page and then WHAM the words just stop.

However really, they don’t. Everyday life has a way of bringing creativity to a stand still and though the words spin through your mind like a mile-wide tornado, sitting down to wrangle them into a story becomes seemingly impossible. Days, weeks and months pass as real life-happens.

Following the last post my “real life, day to day” included co-planning our Fire Fighting son’s wedding to our dream daughter-in-law, participating in our granddaughter’s birthday parties and school events and preparing for the holidays all the while supporting my husband as he endured two surgeries to correct chronic back pain. These events were capped off by a death in the family two weeks before Christmas causing travel to the East Coast followed by a bout of the flu and Voila’...I present, Writer’s Block!

I believe it takes the best writing warriors to push through life’s barricades and yet alas, I admit I’ve not yet achieved warrior status…however God is still in control and with that He caused a mighty breakthrough in my heart and spirit! Here we go…

How does one admit they are impatient?

Are you? Well, I am, or at least I was until two days ago.

Two days ago while standing in a long line waiting to check out of my local grocery store I was-impatient. Those of you who grocery shop as though you’re on a mission will understand. My latest trip included obsessing over a close parking spot because our weather had been (continues to be) so cold and snowy. I mean come on, I don’t want to be inconvenienced! I entered the store with list in hand and moved through the aisles as though I was on The Food Network show, “Guy’s Grocery Games”. Though sporting a smile I secretly felt frustrated as people blocked aisles with their carts. I wondered why the employees seem to always be stocking and blocking the produce section…I mean can’t they do this when I’m not there? Doing my best to bob and weave through the masses I placed my last item in the cart then pushed with gusto toward the check out area….where my personal work out session came to a halt.

It was one of those days where snow was predicted and we all know what that means…milk, bread, TP, diapers, all the perceived necessities and comfort items must be stocked in the home just in case becoming snowed in for a day or two becomes reality. Surveying the open lanes I chose the one that seemed to have the least number of loaded carts and took my place in line and began...the wait.

Time passed, the line was slow. I’m embarrassed as I write this but will continue. I shuffled. I looked around. I shuffled more. I made eye contact with others who picked faster moving lines.

I turned and noted the person behind me calmly looking through her phone unaffected by the wait. More shuffling and swaying back and forth. All the while and here it comes, I also noted the check-out clerk was in fact, a special needs individual. “Annie” (not her real name) carefully scanned each item all the while smiling, conversing and bagging the shopper’s groceries. In the meantime, my impatience grew albeit secret…or so I thought.

Turning around and noting all the lines were growing the shopper behind me-the one calmly checking her phone-lifted her eyes and said, “You look worried, are you in a rush?”

I felt immediately convicted but can I tell you, I just knew those words came from the Holy Spirit! The truth was no, I wasn’t in a rush. I was rushing but had no reason to rush. Worse yet, my impatience was recognized and called out by the CPW (calm phone woman) behind me who proceeded to say the following, “Let me help you understand that Annie is a special needs individual. I have a daughter with Down’s Syndrome so I understand the value of integrating special needs people into the community.”

Stopped…in…my…tracks. I wanted to pull a hood over my head and disappear but the teaching moment was just too evident, too moving, too important.

CPW and I spoke for a few moments and when it was my turn to check out I thanked her, greeted Annie and felt grateful for the education the encounter provided. But it didn’t end there.

Two days later our church was treated to a World Orphans benefit concert featuring Christian artists, Aaron Boyd and Josh Parmeter with a special appearance by the Wellspring Community Choir. A small clip from Wellspring’s Mission Statement includes that Wellspring “ provides educational, enrichment and business enterprise opportunities to adults with special needs such that they are empowered to live full, productive and satisfying lives in a God-centered and spiritually nourishing environment.”

Moments before the concert, Wellspring’s bus arrived and from it sprung the happiest teens and young adults with Aaron and Josh greeting each singer with a hug or high five. Aaron’s zest for life and gift of leading Worship is contagious and soon the church was rocking out to high-energy music! Toward the close of the concert our special guests joined Aaron and Josh on stage to sing “Jericho” where the chorus speaks these words of truth:

Just like the walls came down at Jericho,

Just like the armies fled when Worship rose,

We believe in breakthrough,

We believe in You.

Just like Your voice that calmed the raging sea

Just like the veil was torn through Calvary

We believe in breakthrough

We believe in You…..

And as God would have it, Annie the check-out clerk was a part of the Wellspring community.

Jericho was sung masterfully by the Choir then capping off the night Aaron invited all the Wellspring Community to join him on stage for a dance party. Annie danced and Worshipped God with the biggest smile and dance moves that surely made The Lord smile! She truly is clothed in strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future!

Well done Annie, Aaron, Josh, World Orphans and Castle Oaks Covenant Church!

There has indeed been a breakthrough!

For more information on Aaron Boyd music:

For more information on World Orphans:

For more information on Wellspring Communities:

For more information on patience:

Dear Lord,

I often ask for instructions on a “white board” and this time You provided a lesson straight from Your courts of love and acceptance. Thank You for the no-nonsense, direct lesson on patience.

Grow me Lord. Amen.

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