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Bear Lake

Photos in this post taken by Hillary Humberson Bear Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park

I walked along the lake one day

and wondered, were You there?

The pines alive, the breeze so mild,

blowing gently through my hair.

Look up You said, and so I did to see the sky so blue. Look down You said, and so I did

and there I saw You too.

I feel Your presence everywhere

my heart does hear You speak.

Though here is where I long to be

with You on mountain peaks.

Look up and see Your majesty,

look down and see the same.

Reflecting love in waters deep,

and in the high terrain.

The world is changing day by day,

You say fear not, child of mine.

Whether high or low I will not go

From you for all of time.

(C) Hillary Humberson 4/2018

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Castle Rock, CO, USA


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