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I Was Lost But Now Am Found

I was lost but now am found

W alk with me Lord, your life abound

A fresh my soul renew my heart

S ave my life your ways impart

L ove me Lord, teach me your ways

O bedience, the desire of my days

S ilence my sin, guide my path

T each me Lord, nor more the wrath

B efall no more the troubled past

U ndo my shame forever cast

T he sinful nature once wore so well

N ow replaced, my trip to Hell

O ffer you now my life renewed

W ell up DaySpring like morning dew

A blaze you sit in Heaven’s Light

M id angels guarding me day and night

F ound from the pit no more I’m bound

O pened the gates to where you’re crowned

U ndisputed King of Kings

N ight and Day I’ll forever sing

D ominion Reigns! I once was lost but now am found!

Hillary Humberson (c) January 2015

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