Think Beautiful Words

…Instead, speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music from your heart to The Lord, always giving thanks to God The Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:19-20
When I read these verses I think of how easy it should be…speaking with uplifting words and praises coming from my heart through my speech whether in speaking voice or literally singing. I am after all, a believer and one who should be so filled with joy that it (JOY) literally spills out of my mouth to encourage and bless anyone who comes near.
Yet our world causes the mind to form less than psalms, hymns and spiritual songs as our first thoughts. We can wake up each morning and ask God how to bless someone, how to do His work for the day, how to rise with the best attitude and intentions but upon first glance at the news or an encounter with a disgruntled driver or closer yet, a grumpy family member (yes we all have them)…singing The Lord’s praises out loud may not be the first thoughts that come to mind.
So how do we correct our hearts and minds to speak as Scripture commands? We train, hard. Yes the world is changing fast but God knows and is in control. Praise God and give acknowledgement that it is as He has taught us to expect!
The driver…a sweet friend encouraged me to “bless the person who cuts you off” instead of using less than ‘beautiful words’. The grumpy family member-lead them! Lead them unconditionally with beautiful words that ease their hearts back to joy and peace.
Let’s "spark" each other with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs pouring out of our hearts and ready to roll off the tip of our tongues!
Lord sometimes it’s not easy to think this way so we need your guidance. Help each one of us to be prepared to speak kindly and lovingly, to be patient and to take a moment before speaking anything less than you have instructed. Amen