# 40

What is it about the number 40? As you will read below the number 40 means something…in fact, a lot of somethings in The Bible! I knew a little Biblical trivia but discovered so much more once there was reason to dig a bit deeper. You see, three of my 4 kids (Son, Son-In-Law and Daughter-In-Law) turned 40 last year. Something I did for each was to write a love letter regarding this milestone birthday, however so, preceded my affections with these weird and interesting facts as a warm-up before telling them my mad, crazy love for each one! Out of that digging the following fascinating facts were unearthed-some you will know and I’ll bet some will be a surprise!
# 40 weird facts!
40 weeks is the gestational period for humans.
40 is the only number in English whose letters appear in alphabetical order. (FORTY).
40 below is the only temperature that is the same in Fahrenheit and Celsius.
40 spaces are on a standard Monopoly board (Very important in the Humberson family!)
40 is the max number on an MLB (Major League Baseball) roster.
40 attempts were made before chemists created WD-40.
The significance of # 40 in Scripture:
Mentioned 146 times in The Bible # 40 symbolizes a period of testing, trials or probation.
References to the # 40 signifies growth, new life, transformation, a change from one great task to another great task.
The great flood lasted 40 days and 40 nights.
Moses lived 40 years in Egypt and 40 years in the desert before God chose him to lead!
Moses fasted for 40 days and nights to prepare himself to receive The Law.
Moses was on Mount Sinai for 40 days and nights receiving The Law.
Moses also sent spies for 40 days to investigate the Promised Land.
The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years after fleeing Egypt.
Manna rained down on the Israelites for 40 years.
The # 40 represented a generation of men. The suffering endured by the first generation in the desert made way for a new generation to see their inheritance.
Elijah walked 40 days and nights fasting without food or water to reach Mount Horeb.
Jesus fasted 40 days and nights to prepare for His public ministry.
Jesus ascended into Heaven 40 days after His glorious resurrection.
The Book of Exodus has 40 chapters.
Kings Saul, David and Solomon each ruled for 40 years.
And so much more!
You see that # 40, whether in days, weeks or years, means something to God!
It brings to mind such qualities as: Repentance, newness, preparation, self-examination, transformation, task fulfillment, escape from bondage and slavery to sin, growth in spiritual life and personal fulfillment!
Last but not least our "Lead Follower" / Senior Pastor Phil Vaughan introduced his congregation to the song, “40" last summer as he concluded one of his many dynamic series!
We learned that “40” was the last track recorded by the Irish group U2 on their 1983 album, “War”. Bono needed one last song to complete the album so what did he do? He opened the Bible and went to Psalm (wait for it) 40! "40" would become the closing song for every U2 concert from 1983 on!
I did a little digging about Psalm 40. Verses 1-3 (NIV) are seen below:
1. I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry.
2. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.
3. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in Him.
Written by David, who wrote 73 of the 150 Psalms in the Bible, this Psalm starts on a high and ends up with David asking God to rescue him from his troubles. There are many versions to choose from (NIV, HCSB, CSB, NKJV, The Message, etc.) but the sum of David’s cry is, “how long will it take You Lord to rescue me, please don’t delay”!
Bono chose well!
Dear Merciful Lord, we cry out to you from our need and ask that you hear our prayers. You are our Hope and Righteousness! Don't delay Lord, we need You! Amen
Lyrics and link below!
I waited patiently for the Lord.
He inclined and heard my cry.
He brought me up out of the pit
Out of the miry clay.
I will sing, sing a new song.
I will sing, sing a new song.
How long to sing this song?
How long to sing this song?
How long, how long, how long
How long to sing this song?
You set my feet upon a rock
And made my footsteps firm.
Many will see, many will see and hear.
I will sing, sing a new song.
I will sing, sing a new song
I will sing, sing a new song.
I will sing, sing a new song
How long to sing this song? How long to sing this song? How long to sing this song? How long to sing this song? .